About the Mizuno Waterfront Half Marathon
A unique event unlike anything you have ever experienced before, this is the Waterfront Half Marathon.
Welcome to the 2021 Mizuno Waterfront Half Marathon. This is the half marathon that Auckland runners and walkers have been waiting for and over five thousand athletes are expected to toe the line on stunning Tamaki Drive in April. Flat, fast, traffic free and spectacularly scenic, the Mizuno Waterfront Half Marathon falls beautifully at the end of a summer of fitness in the City of Sails, making it the Grand Finale of the Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series.
The event base is Selwyn Domain, right in the heart of Mission Bay. The race starts on Tamaki Drive, heading first to Mechanics Bay with the city skyline as a sighter before heading back along the stunning waterfront ribbon towards St Heliers. Finishers will feel the spray from the iconic Mission Bay fountain as they cross the line, earning themselves a beautiful commemorative finisher medal and … probably … a new PB. And if you’re not quite up to the half marathon just yet, there’s still the 10K Classic, 5K Fun Run & Walk or 2K Kids’ Dash to aim for. Yep, you guys get a medal too!
On Course Entertainment
We know it, running a half marathon is tough! That’s why we’ve lined up awesome entertainment and giant inflatable arches for every single kilometre of the route. Whilst you’re enjoying the taiko drums, cover bands and DJs, your legs have forgotten how tired they were!
Live Timing
The Mizuno Waterfront Half Marathon features one of the most advanced timing operations in Australasia. Athletes are tracked in real-time for every single kilometre of their journey, providing friends and family – at the venue and following along at home – with unique insight into their athlete’s progress. Mates can’t be there? Get them to plot your progress on an interactive map and cheers you on to the finish!
Spectator Friendly
The Mizuno Waterfront Half Marathon aims to be the most spectator friendly event in the country. Those taking on the 21K will pass the race site three times on their way to the finish line, so there’s no shortage of opportunities for cheers and encouragement. Meanwhile, whilst you are on the road, they can enjoy Mission Bay’s cafes, beach and play area without missing any of the action.

Enter Now
Let’s do this! Sign up for the Mizuno Waterfront Half Marathon here …
Entry Fees
In these uncertain times, Running Events are doing everything we possibly can to ensure our events can go ahead. Based on the current information (which changes, like, *all* the time!), we can only proceed with a series event when Auckland is at Level 1 (i.e. no limits on mass gatherings). To give us the best possible chance to produce the events, we have booked contingency dates in addition to the original event date. We will publish details of these if/when they are required. If we do postpone any event – and you can’t make the new date – you’ll be able to transfer your entry or compete virtually (and receive an entry fee credit). Full details will appear here if needed.
Current Status: WE ARE 100% ON FOR APRIL 11, 2021.
Your Entry Includes …
- Superb Race Organisation
Finisher Medal
On-course Entertainment
- Fully Pimped Out Race Number
Running Events Gift
- Electronic Timing & Instant Results
Race Information
A comprehensive guide to the Waterfront Half Marathon.
In these uncertain times, Running Events are doing everything we possibly can to ensure our events can go ahead. Based on the current information (which changes, like, *all* the time!), we can only proceed with a series event when Auckland is at Level 1 (i.e. no limits on mass gatherings). To give us the best possible chance to produce the events, we have booked contingency dates in addition to the original event date. We will publish details of these if/when they are required. If we do postpone any event – and you can’t make the new date – you’ll be able to transfer your entry or compete virtually (and receive an entry fee credit). Full details will appear here if needed.
Current Status: WE ARE 100% ON FOR APRIL 11, 2021.
Race Day: Sunday, 11 April 2021
Start Times
Race Guide
The Race Guide is a comprehensive document in PDF format which you can download and store on your smart device – or go old school and print it out. It contains a summary of all the important information to make sure you get the most out of your event experience. The Race Guide will be available for download here before the event. Don’t miss it!
Important Dates
Date | Details |
24 Jan 2021 | Super earlybird entry rates expire. |
14 Feb 2021 | Earlybird entry rates expire. |
07 Mar 2021 | Last chance to claim free delivery of your race number. |
04 Apr 2021 | Family entry packages expire. |
05 Apr 2021 | Race Week entry rates apply. |
10 Apr 2021 | 4-5pm: Pre-race registration at the event venue. |
11 Apr 2021 | Race Day! |
Race Day Schedule
Time | Details |
6:00am | Race venue opens |
7:15am | Half Marathon: Warm up at the main stage |
7:20am | Half Marathon: Move into start shute |
7:27am | Half Marathon: Safety briefing in the start shute |
7:30am | RACE START Half Marathon (Runners & Hybrids) |
7:33am | RACE START Half Marathon (Competitive Walk) |
8:45am | 10k Classic: Warm up at the main stage |
8:50am | 10k Classic: Move into the start shute |
8:57am | 10k Classic: Safety briefing in the start shute |
9:00am | RACE START 10k Classic (Runners & Hybrids) |
9:03am | RACE START 10k Classic (Competitive Walk) |
9:15am | 5k Fun Run & Walk: Safety briefing and warm up at the main stage |
9:30am | RACE START 5k Fun Run & Walk |
9:45am | 2k Kids’ Dash: Safety briefing and warm up at the main stage |
10:00am | RACE START 2k Kids’ Dash |
10:30am | Awards Ceremony and spot prizes at the main stage |
11:15am | (approx.) Event close |
Start Line Congestion
Start lines will stay open for up to 15 minutes (up to 5 minutes for 5K and kids dash) after the official start time to allow those who want to keep their distance from others. Your official time will not start until your cross the timing mats. Time limits and course management (ie. road closures, marshals, etc) adhere to the original start time.
Hand Sanitiser
Hand sanitiser will be readily available at the refueling station, registration, gear drop and waste stations areas. Please help yourself as often as needed.
Important! Please do not attend if you:
- are unwell
- are a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19
- are waiting for a test result for COVID-19
- are self-isolating.
Continue to practice good hygiene. This means:
- Keeping 2 metres away from people you don’t know
- Covering coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or coughing/sneezing into your elbow
- Disposing of used tissues appropriately in a bin
- Using the hand sanitiser located around the event site:
- before eating or handling food
- after using the toilet
- after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose or wiping children’s noses
- after touching public surfaces
Switch to Virtual Run
It ain’t a thing unless you get that bling!
If you can’t make it to the event – but you are fully committed and dedicated to securing our superb finisher medal (and maybe even the stunning Auckland Half Marathon Series Grand Slam awards) – then switching to the Virtual Run is the best option for you. If you want, we can send your finisher medal out to you by courier (at your expense) – or just let us know the next event you will be attending and we’ll put it aside for you to collect.
Some Important Conditions:
- You’ll need to transfer from the physical event to the virtual event BEFORE the physical event starts. You will need to have created a my.runningevents account via the LOGIN section to do this and you can see how by clicking on the Virtual Race Transfer Cheat Sheet button below.
- You can complete your virtual run any time from 00:00 on Saturday April 10th to 23:59 on Sunday April 11th.
- Finish times recorded in the Virtual Runs are NOT eligible for Auckland Half Marathon Series points. However, a virtual run finish time in the 10k or half marathon DOES qualify to be counted for the GRAND SLAM series awards.
- To record a virtual finish time, you need to use our Strava import function (you can find full instructions for doing this in this awesome document HERE) or else email us a screenshot or URL link to your GPS recorded activity. Use the “Contact Us” link here if you want to send us a file.
Important! We only accept manual (non-Strava) activites from the Thursday after race day. - The Virtual Run results are declared FINAL at midnight on the day 7 days after the event.
Race Number
It is a requirement of your participation in the event that you wear your race number on the front of your shirt at all times whilst taking part. Your number should be secured to your shirt by a safety pin in each corner (if you don’t have any, come to the Registration desk on race morning). Your electronic timing tag is attached to the back of your race number so be careful not to crease, crush or puncture it.
Pimp Your Bib!
When you register, you will have the opportunity to select a nickname to print on your race number. Feel free to be creative – but please keep it clean folks! If you don’t select a nickname, your first name will be printed instead. If you prefer to fly under the radar – or you want to get creative with a sharpie – just put a full stop in the nickname field and we will leave it blank.
Important! Race numbers are printed in two batches. The first batch is sent to print approximately 28 days prior to the event and will include everyone registered in the event at that time. The second batch is sent to print 3-4 days before the event and includes everyone registered up to that time. Note that once your race number has been printed, it is no longer possible to change the printing. If you transfer your entry to another person and your race number has already been printed, your name will still appear on there.
Important! Please don’t lose your race number. Replacement numbers are $10.
Timing Tag
When you receive your race number, your electronic timing tag will be attached to the back. We are using disposable stick-on timing tags this year. We are sure you will appreciate the convenience of not having to attach a plastic tag to your shoes and then return it at the finish. All you have to remember is to secure your race number to the front of your shirt and you’re all set. Try to avoid holding your arm in front of the number as you cross the finish line (e.g. to turn off your watch) as this can sometimes affect the tag reading. Just wait until a few steps after the timing mat.
Important! There is no need to return your timing tag.
Important! Keep your race number with you when you finish as we will use it to register you in the prize draw for the Awards Ceremony – see below.
Finisher Medal
Everyone who finishes the Waterfront Half Marathon – irrespective of distance – will receive a stunning and exclusive commemorative Finisher Medal. The design for the 2021 medal will be revealed here closer to the event. You can see the 2020 medal below – everyone loved it!
The revTab is a self-adhesive metal plate which is delivered direct to your home approximately three weeks after your event with your name, distance and time engraved on it. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate and immortalise your achievement. Where possible, our finisher medals have a recess on the back to fit your revTab insert.
revTabs are available for the following events:
– Tauranga Marathon
– Devonport Half Marathon
– Omaha Half Marathon
– Coatesville Half Marathon
– Maraetai Half Marathon
– Waterfront Half Marathon
– Auckland Half Marathon Series Grand Slam (will include all five of your half marathon finishing times in the series)
– Run Devonport
– Run The Point
– Run Albany
You can purchase a revTab when registering for your event. For individual events, they are $15 and for the Auckland Half Marathon Series Grand Slam, they are $19. The price includes delivery to your door approx. 2-3 weeks after the event. If you didn’t order one when you registered – but would like to do so now – you can do it via my.runningevents.co.nz up until race day. Just click on the LOGIN button at the top of the web site and follow the prompts from there.

Road Closures
Running Events, organisers of the Waterfront Half Marathon, are indebted to Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, Orakei Local Board and the residents and businesses of the beautiful eastern bays for their support for our event.
Tamaki Drive: Mechanics Bay to Ngapipi Rd
A contra-flow system will be in operation on the causeway section of Tamaki Drive – from Mechanics Bay to Ngapipi Rd – from 5am until 9am. During this time, vehicular traffic heading east and west will share the two lanes on the landward side of the road. The two lanes on the seaward side of the road will be reserved for runners. Drivers are encouraged to slow down and proceed with caution through the causeway section of Tamaki Drive during the event.
Tamaki Drive: Ngapipi Rd to Maheke St
In order for the event to take place safely, a full road closure of Tamaki Drive between Ngapipi Rd and Long Drive will be in place from 4am – 11am on race day. During this time – other than race and emergency services vehicles – absolutely no vehicles will be permitted access within the road closure. Cyclists – this means you too. Limited, single-file access to Orakei Marina and Kohimarama Yacht Club may be provided at the organiser’s sole discretion. Please check with the commodore for details.
Event Shuttle Bus
Shuttle Buses will only be running if we are operating under Covid-19 Alert Level 1
Coaches will operate to/from Auckland City and to/from the North Shore (stopping at Albany and Smales Farm) for those who have PRE-PURCHASED a bus ticket. The early bus will arrive at the race site in plenty of time for the Half Marathon start and the later bus will cater for all other events. It’s important to register for the event and secure your bus tickets as early as possible as buses may fill closer to the event and additional services may not be possible.
A return bus service will operate to return you to your pick up point. All buses will depart Mission Bay as soon as possible after the conclusion of the Awards Ceremony (approximately 11:30am). For those heading back to the city, earlier shuttle services will depart Mission Bay at 9:30am and 10:30am. Space on these services is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
The 2019 timetable and details for the Bus Service is available in PDF format here to give you an indication of the service. The 2021 PDF will be added a little closer to the event.
Important! This timetable is subject to change. Please check back during race week to confirm arrangements and locate the exact bus you have been allocated to.
Spot Prizes & Merit Awards
The event will conclude with an Awards Ceremony where we will acknowledge some of the excellent performances on the day, as well as giving away thousands of dollars of spot prizes from our sponsors. The ceremony will take place on the main stage at the venue. See the Race Day Schedule for times.
Spot Prizes
We have many wonderful spot prizes to give away including vouchers for Mizuno shoe vouchers and the Garmin GPS sports watches. The grand prize is a big screen TV. Remember – you must be present at the prize giving to claim your prize. Only those who scan their timing tags at the spot prize timing point will be eligible to win a prize. The prize draw timing point will be activated approximately 15-20 minutes before the ceremony – listen out for announcements. All you have to do is walk across the timing mat with your race number and you will be registered in the draw. Easy as!
Important! In the event of inclement weather, we may elect to cancel the Awards Ceremony. Listen out for announcements on the PA or check out our Facebook page. If this does happen, all prize winners will be announced on our Facebook page and prizes will be couriered out to them.
Merit Awards
Beautiful glass trophies will be awarded to:
- Top 3 men and women overall in the following events …
- Half Marathon Run,
- Half Marathon Competitive Walk,
- 10K Classic Run,
- 10K Classic Competitive Walk
- 5K Fun Run & Walk
- Top 3 boys and girls in the 2K Dash for …
- Ages 7 & Under
- Ages 8 & Over
As this event is also the culmination of the eight-month long Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series, we will present awards to our series champions.
- Top 3 men and women overall in …
- Half Marathon Run Series,
- Half Marathon Competitive Walk Series,
- Classic Run Series,
- Classic Competitive Walk Series
- Age group champions in the Half Marathon Run Series
- Age group champions in the Classic Run Series
IMPORTANT!! In line with social distancing recommendations, we will not have pacers for the 2020/21 season sorry.
Thanks to the good guys at Metro Run and the Auckland YMCA club, we will have pacers available to help you reach you race goals. Our pacers will be wearing a black Run More tshirt or singlet and a hydration pack with their target time flag attached. Look out for the coloured flags during the pre-race safety briefing or at the finish line. When you find them – stick to them like glue! Right to the finish line!
Target Time | Colour |
1’30” | White |
1’40” | Green |
1’50” | Blue |
2’00” | Red |
2’10” | Yellow |
2’20” | Orange (subject to availability) |
Information For Walkers
Running Events, organisers of the Waterfront Half Marathon welcome walkers in all of our events, irrespective of the distance. Walkers routinely make up around 15-20% of the total field. We take the needs of our walkers seriously and have made changes to how our events operate to allow walkers to be appropriately recognised and accommodated. The notes here will help you, as a walker, to get the most from the event and help familiarise you with our setup for walkers.
Important! In the spirit of fair competition, we ask that all competitors adhere strictly to the rules. Competitive Walkers must not run or jog at any time during the event and must maintain contact with the ground at all times.
Hybrid Walk/Run or Competitive Walk?
When registering for a race distance which includes a competitive walk prize, you will be prompted to identify yourself as Runner, Hybrid Run/Walk or Competitive Walker. If you plan to walk most of the way but want to have the option to jog or run at any point, you should select the hybrid option. If you intend to walk throughout the event and want to measure yourself against other walkers, you should choose the Competitive Walk option.
Important! Hybrid run/walk competitors should start on the same start horn as the runners. For the 21K and 10K distances, Competitive Walk participants should start on the dedicated walkers start which will be three minutes after the main field.
Are There Prizes?
Please see the Merit Awards section for details of prizes. To be eligible for awards, walkers must enter in the Competitive Walk category, start on the Competitive Walk start signal and must only walk during the event.
How Is the Walking Competition Judged?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide walking judges for our events. Therefore, we rely upon the integrity of those taking part to adhere to the rules of the walking competition and not run or jog at any time. In our experience over the years, we have found that the most common error in the walking competition is where people register as a competitive walker but decide to run on race day. We have worked around this issue by having a dedicated race start for walkers wherever there are Competitive Walk merit prizes at stake.
Important! We do not make judgement calls on disqualifications based on reports from other competitors. Unless advised otherwise by the competitor in question, we trust the integrity of our competitive walkers. In all cases, the Race Director’s decision shall be final.
Cut-Off Times
The official cut-off times are:
3 hrs for the Half-Marathon
1.5 hrs for the 10km Classic
1 hr for the 5km Fun Run & Walk
Marshals, aid stations, traffic management, signage, etc. – may all be removed from the course on a schedule equal to the course cut off pace. If you are unable to maintain the course cut off pace, you must be ready to stop participating and make your way back to the finish area. At your option, you may elect to continue and complete the course at your own volition. This means you must carry sufficient water and nutrition for your needs, be able to direct yourself around the course and observe and care for your own safety. Where the event has been taking place on closed roads, you must move onto the footpath – where one exists – or to the side of the road and continue as a pedestrian.
Running Events want to encourage all of our participants to make it to the finish line – no matter how long it takes. The above conditions notwithstanding, we are normally at the race site conducting the awards ceremony or packing up the site for at least an hour after the official close off. Provided you make yourself known to us when you finish – and confirm that you followed the correct course – we will be delighted to record your finish time in the official results and present you with your finisher medal.
Event Safety
It is compulsory for all participants to attend, listen to and heed the advice of the safety briefing. Above all else, however, please understand that no roads are closed during the event. You have sole responsibility for your own safety. Do not leave any pavement, cross any road, pass any driveway unless you deem it is safe for you to do so.
Read the health and safety plan on the event web site which covers your behaviour and spectators who accompany you to the event. Please remind your own spectators that they should not attempt to accompany you in vehicles, bikes or otherwise. They must follow the normal rules of the road to reach vantage points.
Important! A copy of the 2020 Health & Safety plan is available from Running Events on request.
Course Safety
Even though we are operating inside a full road closure for this event, we cannot guarantee the field of play will be free of all vehicles. Vehicles such as emergency services or our own service or lead vehicles may also be present on the course.
Competitors are reminded to keep on the right side of the centre line cones at all times throughout the event. Crossing to the left side of the road means you are cutting the official course and will be disqualified if spotted.
Important! The section of Tamaki Drive from Ngapipi Rd to Mechanics Bay and back (km 3 to km 7) is not closed to traffic. Runners will have the use of both lanes on the seaward side of the road – one to head towards the city and one for the return. Again, you must take note of the cones placed down the centre of the running lanes and keep to the right of these at all times.
Please remember the golden rule … Always give way to vehicles. No matter who has right of way, vehicles always win.
Course & Venue Maps
Know where you’re going … then train to get there. Maps for all race distances and the event venue.
Half Marathon
The big kahuna! 21.1 kilometres of waterfront magic, the half marathon course is two offset laps of stunning Tamaki Drive. The first lap goes from Mission Bay to Teal Park/Mechanics Bay and back. The second lap turns at Ngapipi Rd and heads back almost to Long Drive before coming into Mission Bay to finish.
Jump to: Half Marathon | 10k Classic | 5k Fun Run & Walk | 2k Kids’ Dash | Venue Map
10K Classic
Flat, fast and full of action, the 10K course takes you on a single lap littered with entertainment, high fives and good vibes! Mission Bay, Kelly Tarlton’s, Okaku Bay, Kohimarama and St Heliers … it’s got the lot!
Jump to: Half Marathon | 10k Classic | 5k Fun Run & Walk | 2k Kids’ Dash | Venue Map
5K Fun Run & Walk
Just right for the whole family! Feel the excitement of starting under the big arch in Mission Bay. After a quick 500 metres towards the city, turn and head to St Heliers and back. Easy As! Scenic As! Awesome As!
Jump to: Half Marathon | 10k Classic | 5k Fun Run & Walk | 2k Kids’ Dash | Venue Map
2km Kids’ Dash
Kids, start your engines! Flat and fast, this is high octane action for our juniors as the burn through Mission Bay east and west on their way to a fabulous finish and an awesome finisher medal!
Jump to: Half Marathon | 10k Classic | 5k Fun Run & Walk | 2k Kids’ Dash | Venue Map
Venue Map
Selwyn Domain in the heart of beautiful Mission Bay is the place to be on race day for all the action. Check out the location of all the most important facilities – like toilets, toilets and toilets – so you know where to head on race morning.
Jump to: Half Marathon | 10k Classic | 5k Fun Run & Walk | 2k Kids’ Dash | Venue Map
Past Events
Results, photos, video and more from previous editions of the Waterfront Half Marathon
2020 Event Cancellation
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, gathering restrictions forced the cancellation of the 2020 Waterfront Half Marathon. The format of the event was changed to a virtual run and the results of this can be found here.
Contact Us
Get answers to any question about your next Running Event …
We’d love to hear from you, but first …
… we’ve listed the five questions we get asked most often in the list below. You can save yourself (and us!) a whole heap of time by checking these Questions and Answers to see if this might answer your query. There’s a good chance this will nail it and you’ll be all set!
Your my.runningevents.co.nz dashboard allows you to make a variety of changes to your registration without even needing to ask us. How good is that? From within your account, you can update your contact details, upgrade or downgrade your race selection or transfer your entry to another person. You can also add additional items like t-shirts and revTabs to your registration and pay the extra online. Just click on the LOGIN link in the menu and follow the prompts to access the system or create a new account. Provided your account is email validated, you will find all of your registrations listed here. Select the one you wish to change and follow the Make Changes options from there. If you do have any difficulties, please just get back to us through this Contact Form.
Full details on our Refund & Transfer policy can be found here.
Important: Please do not ask for an exception. Our refund and transfer policy is clearly stated and applied evenly. We do not make exceptions to this policy under any circumstances whatsoever.
Everyone registered in the event more than 4 weeks out from race day can expect to receive their race number (with timing tag attached to the back) 2-3 weeks prior to the event.
Those who registered after this time will need to collect their race number from the venue during race weekend. Check the Info section of the web site for dates, times and locations for Race Packet Pickup.
If you ordered any merchandise, it will be available for collection on race morning from the Merchandise tent.
Our new timing tags are small stickers that can be found on the back of your bib. The tag sends out a unique UHF signal that identifies the athlete and records the exact time at which the athlete passes the detection mats. The tags are designed to withstand rain and sweat as the mechanical part of the tag is covered by a foam spacer but please don’t fold or bend the bib as this can damage it. All you need to do is make sure you have your bib attached to the front of your shirt and you’re good to go.
Of course! We love walkers and all of our events are open to runners, joggers and walkers alike. Many of our events offer specific merit prizes, start times and rules for competitive walkers. Please check the event web site and you will find this information on the “Walkers” tab.
The top 5 questions didn’t work?
No worries … just fill in your details and your question below and we’ll get back to you soon. We normally answer emails same business day so you won’t be waiting for long.